by descent experts

According to the French civil code, French nationality by parentage (due to possession of French ancestors) is determined based on two criteria: "jus sanguinis" (right of blood) and "double jus soli" (double right of land). French nationality can be established both through the maternal and the paternal routes. There is no limitation in terms of generations.
However, due to the "double jus soli" it is not enough to have a French ancestor, your French ancestor must also be a child of French. In other words, within your French ancestors there must be "two consecutive generations" born in France.
This is what explains the “double right to land” and implies that in addition to the birth certificate of your French ancestor, you must also have the birth and marriage certificates of the parents of your French ancestor. If you do not have these documents, we will try to get them.
Do you know the name of your French ancestor?
Do you know what city or region your French ancestor comes from?
Do you know his approximate date of birth?
If you have this information, we can carry out a preliminary investigation without cost or commitment, to find your ancestor and confirm the possibility of processing your French citizenship. Then, analyzing your specific case and based on the number of documents to process, we will inform you of a budget.
On the other hand, the French civil code stipulates that 50 years after your French ancestor left France, French nationality is lost by disuse (désuétude). If this were your case, it is necessary, as prescribed by the French civil code, to be able to demonstrate that you have developed "manifest ties" (liens manifestes) with France, whether of a cultural, professional, economic or cultural nature.
And obviously we also have tools based on French jurisprudence, that will allow you to justify the "manifest cultural ties" with France that the civil code requires to counteract the effect of "désuétude". This requirement can be intimidating and daunting, but it can be overcome.
We offer our services to obtain all the relevant documentation: birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates in France. We can also assist in obtaining documentary evidence proving possession of your ancestor's French marital status. If necessary, we can also help you find birth and marriage certificates in other jurisdictions outside of France.